Introductory Questions
  1. My name is Cheryl Kao and I'm a junior majoring in Communication Design.
  2. While this class is required for my major, I'm interested in potentially going into UI/UX design, and in general, I know that understanding and being able to work with the basics of html and css will benefit me.
  3. I don't have any HTML/CSS/JS experience, but I have minor experience with Java.
  4. From this class, I hope to be able to have a decent understanding of html and css, and be able to use them in my projects.
  5. I have some experience designing the visuals and interactions for mobile and web, and I found that considering usability and how users interact with the website is something new that needs to be considered when designing for screen. It's important to have an intuitive user interface for the product to be successful. When designing for print, there typically isn't interaction elements that need to be considered.
  6. Waaark has effective design as it uses illustrations and fluid effects that are eyecatching and and add interest as the site transitions from page to page. The navigation and the moving portfolio effectively displays their web portfolio, keeping users engaged while being informative.
  7. Everlane exemplifies effective communication. There is a clear hierarchy and the visual choices reflect the brand and what they stand for. The minimal site is direct and easily understood.
  8. AIGA Eye on Design is a website that works well as it is responsive and intuitive. The use of color, typefaces, and a grid all contribute to the navigability of the site. Additionally, the repeated graphic eye logo adds visual interest and creates consistency across the site.